A City Under A City: Rome and Ancient Rome
A City Under A City: Rome and Ancient Rome

A City Under A City: Rome and Ancient Rome

Wile in Italy we went to Rome! Who wouldn’t? In Rome we stayed in a quieter part of the city that was more residential. The place we stayed was really close to the Vatican but far from everything else. You might be thinking what is the Vatican?? This is what I said when my mom told us we were touring it.

Vatican City

The Vatican is the world’s smallest country. It is one city situated inside Rome. It’s borders are defined by a wall that was completed in 852 AD but was added on to for a little less than a thousand years. Inside we went to the Vatican museum, the Sistine Chapel, and later (on a different day) St. Peter’s Basilica.

In the Vatican museum we visited a lot of statues and paintings. There were hallways lined with ancient statues and intricately painted ceilings! One of the things we saw was a humongous bath tub (bigger than a hot tub), possibly belonging to the infamous Nero of Rome. We also visited the famous Raphael rooms. The large rooms that he painted over more than a decade. My favorite of the four, was the room with a wall painted with science on one side and across from it a wall depicting God and heaven. On the floor, there was the latin word Semper which means always or united forever. Showing that science and religion can go together! Right before we went into the Sistine Chapel, we learned a little bit about it. Our guide told us that Michelangelo was a sculptor, but the pope, in his time, asked him to paint the Sistine chapel, and he agreed. Entering the Sistine Chapel took my breath away. The entire place is painted from floor to ceiling! The front wall is a stunning blue with so many figures on it, all looking like they are moving. The ceiling was filled with so much detail that it made it hard to look at. All the characters hanging out up there was really cool to see. However, St.Peter’s Basilica beats the Sistine chapel in coolness by a lot.

If you want to visit St.Peter’s Basilica definitely go really early in the morning. Like be there before it opens. We went a few minutes after it opened and there was still a line as long as a line in disneyland. When we exited about an hour later there was a line stretching 3/4 the way around St. Peter’s square!! So, go in the early morning.

After we made it past the line we walked in and let me tell you, no matter how much you prepare yourself to be impressed by the size of the building, it will impress you more. It is just so huge that I wondered how could they possibly have built it! It is big enough to have several masses at once! There were two going when we were there. The domes are all so intricate and extravagant! It felt a little weird to be in a place that was so grand. It was also really cool to be above St.Peter! He actually got to hang out with Jesus so being that close to his grave was pretty awesome. Honestly if you travel to Rome you have to see St.Peters Basilica, it is really crazy awesome place!

The Colosseum and Ancient Roman Forum

Remember the Title? A city on top of a city? Well, I was talking about the Ancient Roman Forum. Just like Herculaneum the forum is surrounded by modern buildings on all sides. We were walking along a street and someone says look right. And sitting on the right is just a couple football (soccer) fields of ancient ruins! We got some amazing gelato right before our tour and then entered a city from thousands of years ago. The forum in any roman city is the center, the marketplace, the place for speeches, and religious ceremonies. The forum of Rome was Huge! The funny thing nowadays is that since everything is like 2000 years old a lot of buildings and structures have crumbled over time so on the ground there is just chunks of buildings and stone pillars or part of a wall. Some stone pillars were even being used as benches!

We walked through part of the forum on our tour but we were heading to the palace/fortress/hill. Our guide was calling it a hill with a building on it but it looked more like a building the size of a hill or a building made out of a hill. It was crazy to think that the intricate stone walkways were made by hand thousands of years ago. At the top of the hill palace was a gorgeous garden and a modern house built on the ruins by some princess a couple 100 years ago. after we walked by that, we headed toward the…….


Okay, the Colosseum was very cool, but it looks alot smaller from the outside than you would think. The cool thing about it is how sophisticated the system for it was. You had to have a ticket to enter and that ticket would correspond to a gate, section and a specific seat. The seats are gone now so it was really hard to imagine how thousands of people could have fit into the Colosseum to see games but apparently they did. There is a lot of stuff I learned so I am going to put it into list form.

  • Gladiators were not rich free men, they were slaves.
  • Slaves were not allowwed to see the games
  • Poor people were in the uppermost sections then women in the middle and then rich people in the bottom. The Romans had the backwards idea that women could not handle the sight of the games.
  • The reason the colosseum has only half of its outer wall is because there was an earthquake that felled half the wall and the material was quarried and used to build other buildings.
  • The romans had elevators in the floor! Ancient Elevators!!!!
  • The myth that the king decided whether or no the loser died with a thumbs up or a thumbs down is probably not true.

The whole time while i was walking thought eh colosseum i kept thinking, “how did they possibly build this???” It’s like so crazy that ancient people were so so so smart!

Photos From Rome