Winnie and Watson are our two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. They are three years old but still look like puppies. While we travel they stay with Tiffany, who owns and runs Raleigh Tamales and also has a daughter named Imani. They live in North Carolina near us. They very much enjoy the puppies and the puppies enjoy living with them. They also love staring at the chickens in the coop. The chickens names are Dusty, Hazel, Sorbet, and Whitey. Me and Bardez raised the chickens for the first 6 weeks of their lives.
Winnie and Watson bring much joy into our lives and I really love playing with them.
This is Winnie. She is a moody and very funny. She doesn’t like to be moved if she is cozy on her bed. She loves getting rubs and treats. She also loves hot water and warm water.
Winnies head is prettier than Watsons because Watson was the runt of his litter. Winnie and Watson were from the same litter but we got Winnie first for Easter! Then, we found out the person who bred puppies still had Watson. He had kept him because he was the runt and he didn’t want to give some family a cute dog and have it die soon after. Watson was a hardy little dog and he lived. He still is hardy and has lived through eating chicken wings and logs of pork ribs and other random things.

And this is Watson. Watson is a very funny little boy. He thinks he is a big dog and wants to always protect his family and keep other dogs and squirrels out of our yard. He is very sympathetic and he will come up to you and try to comfort you if you are hurt. He also will get off your lap if you don’t give him rubs.