So, I Published a Book On Amazon!!!
So, I Published a Book On Amazon!!!

So, I Published a Book On Amazon!!!

Morning Magic in Ukraine – Ранкова Магія В Україні 🇺🇦

(No, The letters that are not English letters are not supposed to be in English. It’s Ukrainian 🙂

Hello everybody!

On Saturday, I published my first book on Amazon!! After many, many months of work, I have finally been able to click publish. My book is a bilingual children’s picture book about the sun rising in Ukraine and how it shines on different places throughout Ukraine. The book is written in Ukrainian and English, but don’t worry! If you can’t read Cyrillic or you don’t speak Ukrainian, there Is English in the book. The Amazon listing does say (Ukrainian Edition), this can be confusing, but the book is in both languages.

I made this book with my good friend Yehor Bondarenko who is from Ukraine. After floating many ideas, the sunrise one finally stuck, and we could begin to write! At the start of the bookmaking class, it sounded like it would be a fast process. You just have to write, illustrate, format, edit, submit, review, edit, resubmit, and probably edit and resubmit a few more times. Then you have to market so your book will actually sell, and then comes the big moment when you can satisfyingly click “Publish Book”. It took eight months, but every hour was worth it. The best part about making the book was when an illustration or line of text was finally completed and when it started to look like a book! When self-publishing a book, you have to really make it look legit. Thankfully me and my siblings’s teacher, Klare, taught us everything we needed to know and was there for us at Every step.

Why Did I Publish A Book?

So, in my family, we are home-schooled, and we travel the world. We also like to do really random cool things, like learning how to publish books! It turns out that when you learn how to write and publish a book, you also learn about graphic design and marketing. Publishing and Graphic Design and Marketing are super useful for adults. (or so I’m told 🙂 And having your own published book is super cool!!! I hope to write a second book over this and next year, and I am so happy that this first book is finally published!!


This link goes to my Link Tree, which is a page with links to my book, my notebook, and my Blog. I add links for things like new books and my sibling’s books.

This link goes to the Amazon page with the book.

A few months ago, we practiced putting things into Kindle Direct Publishing, and I made a composition notebook.

My brother Bardez published his adorable book one week before me. It is called Perry In Paris, and it is about a little mouse who travels to Paris in search of the perfect cheese! He wrote and illustrated it by himself, and I would highly recommend the book.

Above are all my sibling’s blogs, where you can read about their travel adventures!

Check out my other posts!