Jabulani, you’re a troublemaker!
Jabulani, you’re a troublemaker!

Jabulani, you’re a troublemaker!

Jabulani the elephant was trying to get into Bardez’s backpack to get his apples out! We were at Herd elephant orphanage. A place that took care of orphaned elephants. They would find the elephants then rescue them out of situations and nurture them back to health.  Jabulani was the elephant that started it all. 

Jabulani was the elephant that also sniffed out anything from apples to cigarets.  The cigarette story is true.  One day a teenager boy and his family went to go see some elephants.  The boy had been secretly smoking and Jabulani took the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.  The boy was ratted out by an elephant! 

Bardez did not have cigarettes, he had apples.  And Jabulani wanted them!   There were two other elephants there that we got to meet but Jabulani was the best one.  We got to learn about the elephants and see them.  I would totally recommend this.  It is personal and you get to hug and touch the elephants.  Being in Africa and seeing all the animals makes me think it is weird that we don’t have lions or giraffes or elephants or zebras in America.    I feel like there should be some there but there isn’t.  The elephants were gentle giants and I really enjoyed seeing them and being up close.  I would go back there and visit again to see Jabulani and make sure he does not steal anyone’s things ever again.