Wednesday 20/12/2023
Location: World Explorer, Deception Island
Agenda: All Zodiac Cruising cancelled due to high winds. We sailed to Deception Island to try to cruise, but our efforts were not rewarded.
Another Stormy Day
Sadly today was just a day to watch the landscape and learn history. The winds were too high at our morning location to go cruising, so we aimed for Deception Island. Deception island is like a horse shoe. It was once a volcano that erupted but then the caldera broke letting a bunch of seawater in and making beaches. It’s called deception island because when a ship sails around it it looks like sea cliffs all around but there is a “secret” entrance called Neptunes bellows. This entrance is even thinner than the Lemaire channel, and it has a big underwater rock in it, which makes it extra dangerous. It’s called Neptune Bellows because it’s in perfect shape and spot to make extremely forcefully and high wind, which makes ship navigation even harder! Somehow our captain got us through!
Inside the Volcano
Inside it was still windy but everything looked very still. On the several beaches there were abandoned buildings from old whaling stations and the abandoned research stations from when there was a second eruption. The second eruption was not huge, but it was big enough that the island had to evacuate everyone! We were hoping to cruise and land in Whalers Bay, but it was still too windy. Instead we toured the island via the ship and received a history lesson from Ian.
Don’t Make Me Leave!!!
In the evening we had to gather in the Auditorium for our last debrief and briefing about our departure schedule. We also got to see our voyage slideshow and learn some more about whales. We were told how early we were going to wake up and what sequence we were going to fly home in. Alot of people looked sad and I was sad because who wants to leave Antarctica???
Captains Farewell
Later that evening there was a “party” where the captain came down to socialize and a lot of the crew came through the main lounge and we got to clap for everyone and there was a lot of smiling and clapping. On board, there was also a piano, and I had my violin, so… I got to perform a song with my brother. There is a backstory to the song that I performed. The night before, I was practicing this song with my brother (B). He was on the piano and I was on the violin. The song was Chervona Kalyna (Червона Калина) which is a Ukrainian folk song. This song was sung by Kozaks and soldiers and it is about a Red Kalyna in a medow. I know this song because I have been learning Ukrainian and I mostly only listen to Ukrainian and 80’s music. We were playing the song and a lady came in to listen. When we finished the song, she asked how we knew the song and why we were playing it. I told her how I knew it and that we were just practicing it and then I asked if she was from Ukraine. Turns out, she was! We talked for a while and I learned that 12 of the crew were from Ukraine and then I asked if I could play Chervona Kalyna for them the next day at the captains Farewell. That’s how I ended up playing it for the captain (who is from Ukraine) and a few of the Ukrainian crew and all the passengers!
Disco Party!
After dinner I had to pack all my stuff. This meant that I just put everything in my bag and got ready for the next day. As my bag was being checked by my mom my brother came in and announced that there was a disco dance party in the observation lounge! I LOVE dancing! I immediately wanted to race upstairs but I had to wait for my bag to be checked. As soon as it was I raced upstairs!
The dance floor was empty and adults just stood around talking. Some of the head captains were there talking and a lot of guides were there. As two of my siblings walked in the music changed and people moved to the dance floor. Me and Emmy were dancing like teenagers and two of the guides were doing a dance that we did not know. It was like ballroom dancing but probably less fancy. Me and my sister asked to be taught this dance because it looked fun. Once we mastered it we could not stop! Its a simple 10 step dance that repeats forever until you stop. At one point people started going outside so we did to and guess what we saw?? A sunset! The sun was actually setting! This was very surprising and unusual but I later learned that it was the summer solstice (southern hemisphere) and that’s why it was setting.

It was pretty cool! The sun fully dipped below the horizon at 10 pm! It usually sets for an hour or two around 1 am so this was surprise! It was a perfect last night in Antarctica!
Photos from today!