Bob Smiley 😂 the Comedian
Bob Smiley 😂 the Comedian

Bob Smiley 😂 the Comedian

Bob Smiley or Bob or Mr.Smiley (hyper link to instagram) = 🙂or😁or😂

Have you ever been to a stand up comedy show? There really funny if you didn’t know. Last night at the Great Homeschool Convention I went to my first stand up comedy show featuring Bob Smiley (hyper link to his website). I thought it would be a ton of jokes that I would not understand but i actually laughed three times. No Joke I only laughed hard three times. For a comedian Smiley should figure out funnier jokes.

The entire performance was totally not scripted, which, I guess is where the stand up part comes in but I really liked it. A good amount of the jokes were ones that i did not get but the rest was pretty funny. He told us about his life while making fun of himself and sometimes others. My three favorite story/jokes are the next three paragraphs.

Abraham Son and Bob Smiley‘s Son

You know the story about Abraham taking his son Isaac up the mountain to sacrifice him because God told him to? Well Bob Smiley’s son was reading that story in his bible when he and his dad went on a camping trip together. In the morning Bob came out of his tent and his son was reading the part of the story right before God saves Isaac. Right at that moment Bob asked if he wanted to go on a hike. His son was very scared and Mr.🙂 had to explain it all.

(In The Grocery Store, During Covid) “Stop Coughing”

One day before the lockdown 😁 and his wife were going into a Walmart. At the time 🙂 had a “cold” so his wife told him he must not cough. When the went inside 😁’s wife told him to go get batteries, instead of getting batteries he went to the clock section and began setting all the clocks to go off together. He turned around and there was 37 people standing there who knew who he was. Now 😁 is a kinda sorta famous person but not everyone knows who he is, I was one of them but now I know who he is. Anyway these people knew who he was and wanted autographs. As he was giving autographs he really needed to cough so he stepped to the side and coughed into his elbow. His wife just happened to be in the aisle next to him and she shouted “Stop Coughing!” The entire store became silent because this lady had just shouted at somebody who she (ppl were mistaken) did not know. 😂 walked around the corner to the next aisle and said

“Im sorry if I offended you Ma’am”

She said “Don’t Ma’am me!”

And he said “ Oh sorry I’m from the south where we have manners but if you don’t want me to call you Ma’am i’ll just assume your name is Karen.”

She said “ This guy is my husband!” Which was true.

And he said “ I have never met you in my life ma’am” Apparently that night was the first time Smiley 😂 took an Uber.

Chicken of The Tree

One of the things 🙂 liked to do with his sons was eat squirrel meat. So one time, a friend of his sons came over for dinner and they had squirrl for dinner 😬. The next morning the friends mom came over and said “my sone had dinner at your house last night.” Bob was like “ yeah it was fun.” The lady said something like “It is to my understanding that you fed him squirrel meat!?!?” He answered “Its Chicken of the Tree.” ( Hyper link to Chicken of the Tree T shirt)

The Abraham story was totally the funniest story in the whole show. It just was very ironic and so random. The covid story was just plain hilarious I mean the whole I’m from the south and I have manners was hilarious. I just accidentally put two words on top of each other! That’s hilarious! Chicken of the tree (no offense 😂 ) was a little gross. Squirrels are little turds. They tease dogs and are pests. I can see that my argument is not very good there, none the less squirrels are as bad as Fat Tail! Comedy is a necessary part of life for everyone. It should be a fact on google. You know what is a fact, laughing is really good for you! One really good way to laugh is to watch funny things! 🤯 Wow that was hard to figure out.

Average Boy Aka Bob Smiley

Bob Smiley also created a character called Average Boy. The Average Boy books are devotionals with lots of funniness. There is also an Average Boy podcast which i listen to and I think no matter how cheesy it is, it is still really good to listen to. Each episode is like 20 minuets and has some life lesson in it or devotional. I know I am advertising this but it is really good stuff and you should at least check it out.