Nine Days Until Takeoff!!!
Nine Days Until Takeoff!!!

Nine Days Until Takeoff!!!

By the end of the year, I will have gone to all of the continents!

So today was the day that I packed up all my things and made my room “renter ready”. On Thursday, I go with my mom, dad, and older brother to the Spies Lies and Nukes Conference. Then, on the Wednesday after that, we go to New Zealand. (My little brother and older sister will join us after the conference) In New Zealand, we will stay in Auckland for a month, and then we fly to Chile. From Chile, we fly down to Antarctica, then helicopter onto a boat, then sail around Antarctica for 7 days. After Antarctica, we go back to Chile and to Easter Island and we spend Christmas there. After Christmas, we come back to Raleigh.

Every time we go on a big trip, it is like jumping into the deep end of a freezing pool. You just have to do it and get it over with. I am never totally sure what it is gonna be like in international countries, and I can do all the imagining I want, but it is always different. Every time, though, it makes good memories and broadens my perspective of the world. It’s nervous excitement that I get going to all the new places. But it is super fun and worth all the obstacles. I can’t wait for New Zealand, South America, and Antarctica! I will be posting about my travels, and I will be making a video for Antarctica, so look out for new posts!