So three years ago for a random school project that I do not recall, we had to raise chickens. Baby ones. Me and my little brother raised four chickens named Dusty, Sorbet, Whitey and Hazel. Once they were bigger they were sent to live with our friends and since then Whitey was sadly wiped out by her fellow chickens. (The other chickens were cannibals)
A few days ago, our friend (Tiffany, who takes care of Dusty Sorbet and Hazel) came over after her farmers markets and we were all talking and she mentioned that she wanted to get more chickens. My mom offered for us to raise the chicks until school ends and two hours later we had to baby chickens sitting in our garage. We had all the previous supplies from raising the first batch of chickens so we were ready for these ones.
Currently there are only two chicks, named Hestia and Oreo (My brothers chose the names) but on thursday we get two more and me and my sister get to name them. The new ones are going to be Easter Eggers which make really colorful eggs!